Free Food Waste Reduction Training Program: Lead Sustainable Solutions with CET

Join CET's Free Wasted Food Solutions Training, funded by ReFED, and gain the skills to lead impactful food waste reduction in your community.

With CET’s free Wasted Food Solutions training program, powered by the ReFED Catalytic Grant Fund, you can gain the tools, knowledge, and confidence to become a leader in reducing wasted food in your area.

Are you ready to take action against food waste and make a meaningful impact in your community?

Each year, 30-40% of food produced in the U.S. is wasted, resulting in a tremendous loss for our economy, environment, and communities. This waste contributes significantly to methane emissions from landfills and squanders valuable resources like water, land, and energy.

By tackling wasted food, you can:

  • Protect the environment by reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
  • Enhance food security by redirecting edible food to those in need.
  • Boost economic growth through cost-saving and innovative diversion strategies.

Addressing this issue is not just about reducing waste—it’s about creating lasting positive change.

CET’s training program, scheduled from mid-January to March 2025, offers an incredible opportunity for organizations passionate about sustainability. Whether you’re a municipality, nonprofit, or economic development group, this program equips you with practical tools to lead your community toward sustainability.

You will learn how to:

  • Conduct on-site food waste assessments with restaurants.
  • Perform cost analyses to implement diversion programs effectively.
  • Connect with organics processors and other waste reduction partners.
  • Promote best practices in food waste reduction that can drive real change.

By participating, you’ll empower your community to take meaningful action, align with sustainability goals, and contribute to the fight against climate change.

  • No-Cost Training: Thanks to funding from ReFED, this program is completely free.Expert Guidance: Leverage CET’s decades of experience in waste reduction and sustainability.Community Impact: Position yourself as a local leader in food waste solutions, inspiring a ripple effect of sustainable practices.
  • Expert Guidance: Leverage CET’s decades of experience in waste reduction and sustainability.
  • Community Impact: Position yourself as a local leader in food waste solutions, inspiring a ripple effect of sustainable practices

For over 20 years, CET has been a trusted leader in food waste reduction. We have supported thousands of businesses in diverting food waste from landfills and adopting sustainable practices. This training program provides a unique opportunity to leverage CET’s expertise, helping your organization—and your community—become a leader in sustainability.

Take the first step towards a sustainable future by joining our program

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