You feel it: the urgency of the climate crisis growing every day!

Rising temperatures, unpredictable weather, and environmental changes threaten the world we know -and the communities we love!

But there is hope. You have the power to create real, lasting change for the climate, starting right here in our community.

Community Carbon Reduction

Resilient Climate Solutions

CET’s Community Climate Fund (CCF) is a catalyst for colleges, universities, businesses, and individuals to champion local, high-impact carbon reduction projects, propelling us toward a just and equitable transition to a low-carbon economy.

Support projects that build climate resilience, and that simultaneously deliver health, comfort, and cost-savings benefits to recipients.

The CCF project portfolio ranges from energy efficiency and renewable energy interventions to food waste reduction and building materials recovery.

Projects are designed to yield significant environmental and social impacts along with experiential learning opportunities for students.

At an average cost of $53 per ton CO2 mitigated, the fund has unlocked energy efficiency and electrification projects for dozens of businesses, nonprofits, and residents across the region

At a Glance

Support roadblock remediation projects

Prioritize designated environmental justice communities, not-for-profit, and/or BIPOC-owned organizations

CCF saves nearly 5,000 therms annually and over 500 tons of lifetime CO2

Williams is committed to reducing greenhouse gas emissions and making a positive impact on the community. This project enables us to do both and it also offers a rich opportunity for students to critically engage with important issues that live at the intersection of multiple disciplines.

Mike Evans

Deputy Director of the Zilkha Center for Environmental Initiatives at Williams College

Unleash CET support

Sample Projects

Weatherizing Small Businesses

Roadblock Removal

CET currently has support from the MA Department of Energy Resources to bring innovative approaches to small business weatherization programs.

The CCF can complement this effort by funding measures such as removal of knob-and-tube wiring and asbestos, for which there are no incentives.

Low- Medium-Income Communities

Installation of Wifi Thermostats

Peak load shaving is an emerging demand-side management tool for stabilizing the costs of energy generation and reducing reliance on dirty back-up power systems.

Wi-Fi thermostats yield immediate carbon reductions for households and will unlock significant system-wide carbon emissions reductions through peak load shaving

Efficiency and Renewable Energy Projects

Revolving Loan Fund for On-Farm Energy

CET has found that a significant number of high impact projects get stymied because farms lack the upfront capital.

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