Waste assistance
Customized waste assistance—virtual and in-person—is the most effective way to accelerate and sustain waste diversion. We tour facilities, identify prevention and diversion solutions, and help businesses seamlessly integrate those into existing operations.
CET often works in partnership with government agencies to target large-scale generators subject to their corresponding organic recycling laws. As a non-enforcement and solution-neutral organization, CET is a trusted resource for generators, service providers, and governments alike.
Case studies & best management practices
We produce written and video case studies featuring local businesses to elevate awareness, competency, and overall activity in waste marketplaces. Additionally, we develop playbooks for school districts, facilitating waste and recovery processes across an entire district, and have best management practices tailored for different sectors and waste streams, informed by decades of waste assistance.
We offer in-person and virtual training and networking sessions to share case studies and best management practices while connecting generators to service providers.