You feel it: the urgency of the climate crisis growing every day!

Rising temperatures, unpredictable weather, and environmental changes threaten the world we know -and the communities we love!

But there is hope. You have the power to create real, lasting change for the climate, starting right here in our community.

Redefining Carbon Offsets report

Discover our Redefining Carbon Offsets Report, which explores innovative strategies for aligning carbon offsets with impactful decarbonization and economic benefits for utilities and consumers.

CET developed and administers the Community Climate Fund as a vehicle for colleges, universities, and businesses to invest in high-impact, local carbon reduction projects.


This report emphasizes the critical role electric utilities play in reshaping decarbonization efforts. By focusing on innovative carbon offset strategies, utilities can align energy procurement and consumer incentives with broader climate goals, optimizing their programs for both economic and environmental impact.

Electric utilities influence energy sources and customer behavior, making them pivotal in the transition to a sustainable, carbon-neutral future.

Carbon-Based incentives: aligning utility incentives with the decarbonization impacts of efficiency and electrification measures


Impact Report 2023
We appreciate your confidence in us, your commitment to our shared cause, and you willingness...
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We’re excited to help you decarbonize with energy and waste solutions.

Copyright CET ©2024 Non-Profit

We envision a world that has embraced and advanced just and resilient climate solutions.

CET is an equal opportunity provider and employer. 

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