Weatherization Assistance for Connecticut Residents
Designed to assist low-income households for free.
Discover weatherization assistance for Connecticut residents to improve home energy efficiency, reduce costs, and enhance comfort. Say goodbye to soaring energy bills and hello to a cozier living space.
Reduce Your Heat and Utility Bills
Understanding Weatherization
Weatherization helps improve energy efficiency by sealing air leaks, insulating walls, attics, and floors, and optimizing heating and cooling systems. By reducing the energy needed to heat or cool a building, weatherization lowers energy bills for homeowners and tenants, saving them money in the long run. This makes your home healthier, cooler in the summer, and cozier in the winter.
No-Cost Weatherization
The US Department of Energy funds the Weatherization Assistance Program and assists low-income persons in minimizing energy-related costs and fuel usage in their homes through retrofits and home improvement measures.
The Weatherization Assistance Program uses the same eligibility criteria as the Connecticut Energy Assistance Program. The eligibility is set at 60% of the State Median Income. For multi-family dwellings, at least two-thirds of the tenants must be income-eligible. Learn more.
For Connecticut Homes
This program is specific to residents living in Fairfield and New Haven Counties. Not you? Click here
Working with CET
Nearly 50 years of experience
Half a century of experience as a leader in designing and delivering successful residential energy programs for income-eligible programs.
We Care
CET is at the forefront of innovation, spearheading initiatives to enhance access to underserved communities serving thousands of households annually.
Bilingual Staff
Don’t speak English? No problema! We have staff who can explain everything to you in Spanish from start to finish.

The windows weren’t really insulated, the walls were not insulated, the floors were cold during the wintertime. We would have to pretty much hibernate upstairs in the bedrooms because it was just so cold. Now … we can cook in the kitchen and walk around barefoot and I don’t have to worry about my children getting sick.
Holly, CET Customer
Apply Now
Here’s how you can contact us for any questions or concerns.
(860) 781-7124

This material is based upon work supported by the U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE) under the Weatherization Assistance Program Award Number DE-EE0009892.0001 administered by the Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (DEEP).
Frequently Asked Questions
Who Funds the Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP)?
The US Department of Energy funds the Weatherization Assistance Program assisting low-income persons in minimizing energy-related costs and fuel usage in their homes through retrofits and home improvement measures.
How long does an energy assessment typically take?
A typical energy assessment can take up to 4 hours.
I’m Interested in Weatherization, but I’m not Eligible. What Are My Options?
There are other programs available, including a utility ratepayer-funded low-cost energy audit. Contact Energize CT for more information by phone: 1-877-WISE-USE (877-947-3873). For Information about the Connecticut Weatherization Assistance Program (CTWAP), please email:
What Happens After I Apply?
Once your home is qualified for weatherization services, CET will schedule an energy auditor to visit your home. The energy audit is a computerized assessment of your home’s energy use carried out by a professional energy auditor and includes an analysis of your energy bills, a blower-door (pressurized) test to determine the infiltration of outside air into your house, and an inspection of all energy equipment for potentially health and safety issues.
What if I Rent my House?
Renters can be served under the Weatherization Assistance Program. Landlords may be asked for a contribution of 20% of the material cost, up to a maximum of $500 per eligible household. Contact us for more information.
Does WAP help with energy costs?
WAP does not help with energy costs. Learn more about other Connecticut heating assistance programs.