Reworld comprehensive Resources for mercury disposal

Reworld Mercury Disposal offers essential resources for safe mercury handling and environmental protection. According to the EPA, over 1,000 tons of mercury have been used in U.S. products. Therefore, understanding its presence is vital for safe handling and environmental protection.

To address this issue, we developed resources that help communities identify, reduce, and recover mercury. Communities contracted with Reworld (formerly Covanta) can access a wide range of tools to manage and dispose of mercury safely, ensuring a healthier environment for all.

What is Mercury?

Mercury is the only liquid metal at room temperature. It must always remain in glass containers because it will corrode metal. However, since glass is fragile, it can break easily and lead to significant environmental releases of mercury.

A Practical Way to Remove Mercury

Universal Waste Sheds serve as dedicated locations where residents, schools, and businesses can safely recycle mercury-containing products. They provide a centralized, clearly labeled space for disposal and serve as a constant reminder for residents to bring in items.

Reworld Mercury Disposal Shed

Collaborating for safer communities.

Reworld Communities refers to a network of contracted towns and municipalities that collaborate with Reworld to develop effective and safe disposal solutions for hazardous materials, such as mercury.

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Type of resource
  • All
  • Guide (5)
  • Multilingual Poster (4)
  • Multilingual Rack Card (1)
Multilingual Poster

Battery Disposal Guide

A one-page resource to help residents identify different types of batteries and increase awareness of…

Multilingual Poster

Reworld Poster Mercury Recovery

Multilingual poster identifying mercury-containing products with space to write in town-specific locations and hours for…

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