Expanding Maryland’s Wasted Food Solutions: A Collaborative Effort by CET
CET is sharing information and building relationships with Maryland stakeholders, leveraging more than two decades of work to accelerate the wasted food diversion marketplace throughout the Northeast US and beyond.
To learn more about CET’s work in Maryland and to get involved, contact CET today at 888-813-8552 or e-mail wastedfood@cetonline.org.
Resources for Sharing and Action
- Sustainable Partners: Access curated information to share on your social media, newsletters, or editorial content about the Wasted Food Assistance program.
- Toolkit: Explore practical tools and guides to support your efforts in reducing wasted food.
Wasted Food Resources for Businesses · Maryland
Below are external resources curated by waste reduction specialists and partner organizations. CET is a partner to aid your journey in combating wasted food.
- In 2024, the Maryland provision of the Food Residual Diversion law and regulation for the production of food residuals 2 tons or greater per week was reduced to 1 ton or greater per week. See their website for requirements and waivers.
EPA Wasted Food Scale
CET utilizes the EPA’s Wasted Food Scale as a guiding tool to assist businesses, including restaurants, universities, colleges, event organizers, supermarkets, churches, etc. Discover relevant and partner resources on how to reduce the environmental impact of wasted food in your business across the scale