
Wasted Food Assistance Iowa

Discover tailored solutions for wasted food in Iowa with CET (The Center for EcoTechnology).

Expanding Iowa’s Wasted Food Solutions: A Collaborative Effort by CET

In the fall of 2018, CET had the honor of sharing our experience and information at the Midwest Food Recovery Summit in Des Moines. Furthermore, CET also shared information with the Iowa Waste Reduction Center at the University of Northern Iowa to inform their many great resources.

To learn more about CET’s work in Iowa and to get involved, contact CET today at 888-813-8552 or e-mail wastedfood@cetonline.org.

  • Sustainable Partners: Access curated information to share on your social media, newsletters, or editorial content about the Wasted Food Assistance program.
  • Toolkit: Explore practical tools and guides to support your efforts in reducing wasted food.

Wasted Food Resources for Businesses · Iowa

Below are external resources curated by waste reduction specialists and partner organizations. CET is a partner to aid your journey in combating wasted food.

  • Resources for Wasted Food Diversion, developed by the Iowa Waste Reduction Center (IWRC), offer on-site technical assistance to small businesses, municipalities, and public organizations interested in food waste prevention and reduction services. Additionally, these resources encompass regulatory information, case studies, fact sheets, training guides, videos, and posters.
  • Food Waste Reduction in School Meals initiative, developed in collaboration with the Iowa Department of Education, Iowa Department of Inspections and Appeals, Iowa Department of Natural Resources, and Iowa State University Extension & Outreach, has created various resources to assist schools in reducing and recovering wasted food in cafeterias. These resources include share table fact sheets, a food waste minimization toolkit, and guides to conducting food waste audits.
  • Solid Waste Permitting for Compost (IDNR) includes state laws and rules for composting, reporting documents, and food waste fact sheets.

EPA Wasted Food Scale

CET employs the EPA’s Wasted Food Scale as a guiding tool to assist various businesses, including restaurants, universities, colleges, event organizers, supermarkets, churches, etc. Moreover, explore relevant partner resources to learn how to reduce the environmental impact of wasted food in your business across the scale.

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