Rhode Island

Wasted Food Assistance

Soluciones para los alimentos desperdiciados en Rhode Island: Un esfuerzo de colaboración del CET

CET has helped many businesses and institutions in Rhode Island learn more about food recovery and wasted food diversion opportunities.

When it comes to preventing and diverting a wide range of materials from disposal, we can offer no-cost support! We help a range of businesses, from those that are just getting started to those who want to take their existing efforts to the next level.

CET helps Rhode Island businesses and institutions divert wasted food and supports the growth of the service providers marketplace.

CET builds awareness of the RI Food Waste Recycling Law and partners with service providers such as Phood to support their source reduction technologies in dining halls across the state. These efforts and others are in partnership with Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management, Rhode Island Department of Health, Rhode Island Resource Recovery Corporation, and the Director of Food Strategy to support the goals of the Relish Rhody plan to reduce wasted food.

Recursos CET para alimentos desperdiciados - Rhode Island

Learn how to track waste, repurpose surplus, and reduce waste, leading to creative reuse and potential savings. CET is a partner to aid your journey in combating wasted food. Below are videos produced out of CET partnership with the Rhode Island Department of Health and the University of Rhode Island highlighting the importance and benefits for food donation and recycling in the state.

Recursos para socios sostenibles

Copie y pegue recursos para poner en contacto a las empresas con asistencia para reducir residuos, mejorar su cuenta de resultados, la satisfacción laboral de sus empleados y responder a las demandas de los clientes de prácticas sostenibles.

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Descargar Rhode Island Spotlights

Los alimentos representan el 35% de todos los residuos depositados en vertederos en Rhode Island. La prevención, la donación y el reciclaje son esenciales para mejorar la salud pública y alcanzar los objetivos de acción climática. Descubra cómo las empresas e instituciones de Rhode Island colaboran para reducir el desperdicio de alimentos y cómo unirse a esta iniciativa.

Báscula EPA para alimentos desperdiciados

CET utilizes the EPA’s Wasted Food Scale as a guiding tool to assist businesses, including restaurants, universities, colleges, event organizers, supermarkets, churches, etc. Discover relevant and partner resources on how to reduce the environmental impact of wasted food in your business across the scale.

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