CET Business Spotlight

Douglas Thayer Woodworking

Discover how CET helped Douglas Thayer’s workshop save money and reduce its carbon footprint with hassle-free, no-cost energy upgrades.

The Goal

The goal was to improve energy efficiency in Douglas Thayer’s small business workshop, reducing energy consumption and lowering utility bills while minimizing the environmental impact.

The solution

CET conducted a thorough energy assessment, installed weatherstripping on doors, added insulation, upgraded lighting to LED, and installed programmable thermostats. Also, handled all paperwork and rebates, making the process seamless for Douglas.

The Results

Trees planted
Energy-efficient upgrades at no cost
Reduction in heating and electric bills

It was super easy on my side. The level of detail they got to was very impressive. CET handled everything, and it cost me nothing. The savings have been awesome.

Douglas Thayer

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Estamos emocionados de colaborar contigo en el proceso de descarbonización mediante soluciones energéticas y de gestión de residuos.

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Imaginamos un mundo que ha adoptado y promovido soluciones climáticas justas y resilientes.

CET es un proveedor y empleador que ofrece igualdad de oportunidades. 

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