With your Donation

You have the power to create real, lasting change for the climate and people.

How Your Donation Makes an Impact

Your donation is more than just financial support. It’s a catalyst for innovation, action, and scalable solutions that accelerate the fight against climate change. Here’s how:


Sparks Innovation

Your contribution not only helps CET develop cutting-edge approaches but also ensures that climate solutions become more accessible and effective. Furthermore, with your support, we can continue to identify innovative ways to drive the adoption of resilient practices and technologies.


Fuels Implementation

Every dollar you give not only empowers individuals and businesses to understand their options but also enables them to take immediate action to reduce carbon and waste. Meanwhile, the work continues to grow in urgency—the solutions can’t wait, and neither can we


Scales Solutions That Work

Your generosity not only amplifies our reach but also enables CET to help more people adopt sustainable practices. Additionally, together we can move further and faster toward the low-carbon economy we urgently need to ensure a livable future.

Our approach works, and the numbers speak for themselves: 

Beneficiaries 👥 of services annually
Lifetime savings ⚡ for households & businesses
Tons of waste♻️ our of landfills
Tons of CO2🌿reduced

Other Ways to Give

Mail In Your Donation

By mailing in your donation, we avoid processing fees, ensuring every penny of your contribution directly supports our mission. Furthermore, we gladly accept mail-in donations via credit card or bank transfer.

To donate by mail, print and send this form in with your credit card or bank donation. Send your donation to:

PO Box 275
Dalton, MA 01227

Become a Monthly Giving Donor

Spread your warm feelings about the CET’s work throughout the year. Our Monthly Giving option allows regular donations through monthly or weekly contributions from your bank or credit card. You’ll feel good about helping us all year long!

Click here to donate monthly.

Contribute to the Community Climate Fund

The Community Climate Fund (CCF) allows businesses and individuals to pool together donations to fund innovative, high-impact carbon reduction projects for lower-income households and businesses.

The fund accelerates a just and equitable transition to the low-carbon economy.

Click here for more information.

Make a Gift of Securities or Stock

It’s easy to donate stocks and securities to CET. We partner with the Community Foundation of Western Massachusetts to receive these donations. You will find full instructions here.

Please inform CET upon initiating your gift so that we can advise the Community Foundation to process the donation on our behalf. It would be very helpful if you would provide us with the stock to be gifted, quantity of shares or approximate value and the intended purpose of your gift. This information will allow us to acknowledge your generous gift in a timely manner.

For more information, please contact Julia Riseman at julia.Riseman@cetonline.org or at 413-586-7350 to discuss donating securities at any time.

Give from a Donor Advised Fund (DAF) 

We gladly accept gifts and grants from Donor Advised Funds.
What is a donor-advised fund? 
A donor-advised fund (DAF) is a type of giving program that allows you to combine the most favorable tax benefits with the flexibility to easily support your favorite charities. An increasingly popular charitable vehicle, DAFs are an excellent way to both simplify your charitable giving and facilitate your strategic philanthropic goals. 

Make a Gift from Your IRA 

Through a qualified charitable distribution (or QCD, previously named the IRA charitable rollover) individuals 70 1/2 and older are eligible to contribute up to $100,000 directly to CET from their IRA, tax free.
Simply contact your plan administrator to initiate a transfer.

How it works:

The donor must be age 70 1/2 or older on the date of the gift.

The gift must come from an IRA account.  (Not 401 (k), 403 (b), SEP IRA or other types of retirement accounts.) 

The gift must be sent directly to NSC from your plan administrator. 

The gift counts toward your required minimum distribution if you have not already taken it for the calendar year. 

The gift is excluded from your income – which sometimes allows for a lower income and Medicare tax bracket. 

The gift cannot be claimed as an income tax charitable deduction because it is not considered income. 

For more information, please contact Julia Riseman at julia.Riseman@cetonline.org or 413-586-7350 if you would like to discuss this option for giving.

Give through Your Will, Retirement Fund, or Life Insurance Policy

You can create a lasting legacy and support CET’s mission for future generations by including a gift in your will, retirement fund, or life insurance policy. This ensures that CET’s impactful work continues to benefit others for years to come.

There are several straightforward ways to make a bequest to CET. For example, you can include CET in your will or trust, or name the Center as a beneficiary—either fully or partially—of a retirement account, life insurance policy, or other estate plans. To explore these options, please consult with your attorney or financial planner to address your specific estate planning needs.

Wills or Trusts

Gifts in your will or trust are simple to set up and can be easily updated if needed. By including CET among your loved ones, you show your commitment to improving lives and addressing the climate crisis. Additionally, charitable gifts by bequest may offer tax benefits for your estate, potentially reducing state or federal transfer taxes. If you choose to include CET in your will, please use the full legal name: Center for EcoTechnology, Inc.

“I give to Center for EcoTechnology, Inc. in Northampton, Massachusetts, Tax ID# 042-611-726 ( X% of my residuary estate) or (all of my residuary estate) or (the sum of $X ) to be used for the benefit of CET as the Board of Directors thereof may direct.”

Retirement Accounts and Life Insurance Policies

Retirement assets are one of the most tax-efficient ways to leave a bequest to CET. Non-spouse beneficiaries often face high taxes on inherited retirement assets, but no taxes apply when these assets are left to a qualified charity. To include CET, simply name the organization as a beneficiary for any percentage you choose.

If you need an abbreviated designation on beneficiary forms, use: Center for EcoTechnology, Inc., Northampton, Massachusetts, Tax ID# 042-611-726.

This same information can also be used to name CET as a beneficiary of your life insurance policy.

Other: Bank and brokerage accounts

Contact your bank or brokerage account and instruct them to “pay on death” to the CET, a percentage or all of a specific bank account.

Please contact Julia Riseman through email at julia.Riseman@cetonline.org or 413-586-7350 to discuss giving by bequest.

Ensure the Future with a Gift to the Endowment 

Support people today and future generations by contributing to CET’s endowment. Together, we can build a world that fully embraces just and resilient climate solutions.

In 2015, CET established its Endowment to ensure our vital work continues for years to come. Although the fund currently holds less than a million dollars, it is conservatively invested for long-term growth. Furthermore, a portion of the investment income may be used strategically to address future challenges or seize new opportunities, ensuring a lasting and meaningful impact.

Give now

Give a gift of $1,000 or more in cash or securities to make a meaningful difference. Additionally, a gift designated for the endowment, on top of your annual support, creates an immediate impact by generating investment revenue for future initiatives.

Give Later

There are many ways to leave a Legacy gift to CET to grow the Endowment.

  • Make CET a beneficiary of your Will or trust – in full or for a percentage. This is the most common approach.
  • Make CET a beneficiary of a life insurance policy – in full or for a percentage.
  • Make CET a beneficiary of retirement assets-in full or for a percentage. Retirement assets pass to a charity tax free and are often the best asset for charitable donations, minimizing taxes to non-spouse heirs.

When naming the Center for EcoTechnology as a beneficiary, please include our tax ID #042-611-726.

We are happy to give you more information about how to help us Ensure the Future. Please contact Julia Riseman by email at julia.Riseman@cetonline.org or 413-586-7350 with any questions.

“CET is so well managed, and so well run, that reassures us about making our contribution to the endowment. The lands belong to those who came before us and those who come after us, and it’s our job to take care of them responsibly, and that’s been our aim.” – Sandy & Betsy Belden


Contact us if you need more information about making gifts of stock, donating from a Qualified Charitable Distribution, giving from a Donor-Advised Fund, or leaving a bequest to CET in your will.

We are deeply grateful for your support. 

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