Commercial Waste

Resilient Climate Solutions

We offer a tailored combination of customized waste assistance, training, and waste resource development services.

We are experts in implementing sustainable waste management practices.

Leading the Nation in Waste Prevention, Donation, and Diversion.

CET’s expanding national presence has solidified its position as a leader in driving waste prevention, donation, and diversion efforts. Our goal is to assist communities in implementing resilient, restorative, and regenerative waste management systems.

At a Glance

TRUE (Total Resource Use and Efficiency) Certified Advisor

Improving materials management in over a dozen states

Award-winning programs recognized by U.S. EPA, Environmental Business Council of New England, Rathmann Foundation

Waste Assistance

CET acts as a catalyst to accelerate the development of a vibrant marketplace to divert waste.

Building Thriving Waste Diversion Marketplaces: Our Collaborative Approach

We collaborate with three key stakeholder groups to develop thriving waste diversion marketplaces: policymakers who design and fund laws, programs, and infrastructure; businesses and institutions that generate waste; and service providers who handle and process it. We assist them all in designing and sustaining solutions for wasted food, cardboard, paper, mercury, glass, metals, textiles, building materials, and more.

Our approach is backed by decades of experience in jump-starting waste management systems, and we have a proven process for entering new marketplaces and providing immediate value. We offer a tailored combination of strategic advising, technical assistance, training, and resource development services.


We bring over 20 years of leadership and innovation to building custom solutions for regional materials management systems. 


We help stakeholders see what’s possible and co-create the roadmaps for achieving thriving materials management systems.


We forge partnerships among and between stakeholder groups that are the foundation of resilient materials management systems.

support for policy maker

Support for Policy & Decision Makers

CET advises governments during the design and launch of waste programming, policy development, and investment/infrastructure planning.

We provide a SWOT analysis to study the policy, infrastructure, and actors that support the waste marketplace to identify core strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. Fluent in regulatory and non-regulatory approaches to spurring waste diversion, we tailor advice to the local context and support our partners with long-term strategic planning.

Support for Service Providers

CET helps bolster the success of service providers through a range of support, including compost site technical assistance, route densification, integrating organics into existing hauling practices, sourcing high-quality organic feedstock, and marketing to and training customers.

We work with compost facilities at any point during their design and operating lifecycle, assisting with siting and sizing, design and technology selection, recipe development, and troubleshooting operating challenges.

support for service providers

Support for Waste Generators

Waste assistance

Customized waste assistance—virtual and in-person—is the most effective way to accelerate and sustain waste diversion. We tour facilities, identify prevention and diversion solutions, and help businesses seamlessly integrate those into existing operations.

CET often works in partnership with government agencies to target large-scale generators subject to their corresponding organic recycling laws. As a non-enforcement and solution-neutral organization, CET is a trusted resource for generators, service providers, and governments alike.

Case studies & best management practices

We produce written and video case studies featuring local businesses to elevate awareness, competency, and overall activity in waste marketplaces. Additionally, we develop playbooks for school districts, facilitating waste and recovery processes across an entire district, and have best management practices tailored for different sectors and waste streams, informed by decades of waste assistance.


We offer in-person and virtual training and networking sessions to share case studies and best management practices while connecting generators to service providers.

Award-Winning Waste Assistance Program

RecyclingWorks in Massachusetts 

Funded by the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MassDEP) and delivered by CET for decades. RecyclingWorks serves as a national model for comprehensive commercial waste reduction.

Waste Assistance by State

CET helps food businesses work across the EPA’s Wasted Food Scale to identify prevention, recovery, and diversion solutions, seamlessly integrating them into existing operations.

On-site or virtual meetings
No cost for businesses or institutions

What Clients Are Saying

CET works very hard to find the solutions that work for individual farmers, business, and folks in our community

George Krivda


CET has been a leader in the efficiency movement in our region, helping business, helping households, and governments make smarter decisions.

Jim Langevin

Former Congressman Rhode Island

Its been a pleasure to work with CET because they have the opportunity to have a broader picture

Christine Beling


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